Credit score… a mysterious number that you may not often think about, but has a great influence in your life. When you apply for a new credit card, go to purchase a new car, or even decide to buy your first home, you are evaluated by your credit score. This number … [Read more...] about Credit Score Deep Dive: 5 Factors that Affect Your Credit Score
Personal Finance
Get Your Finances in Order and on the Road to Financial Independence
Many people make resolutions each year to get their finances on track. But we also know that many people aren’t able to follow through with those resolutions, not because they aren’t determined, but because they don’t have a good plan in place to reach that goal. Here … [Read more...] about Get Your Finances in Order and on the Road to Financial Independence
5 Credit Repair Tactics to Quickly Increase Your Score
Has your credit score prevented you from qualifying for a loan or credit card recently? Or maybe you were approved, but at a very high interest rate. A low credit score can actually cost you a more money in interest payments and fees than having a high credit … [Read more...] about 5 Credit Repair Tactics to Quickly Increase Your Score
Saving Money in 2019
Do you have a savings account that would last a few months if something happened and you weren’t able to pay your bills? Have you started putting money away for retirement? Can you comfortably pay for your child’s college education? For many, the answer is “no” … [Read more...] about Saving Money in 2019
How not to ruin your credit this holiday season
The holidays are upon us. That means lots of parties, family gatherings, and events... and attending all of those things can really add up! But it doesn't have to break your budget. Here are some simple steps that you can take for how not to ruin your credit this holiday … [Read more...] about How not to ruin your credit this holiday season