Do you and your spouse talk about money and finances? This hot button issue can definitely put a strain on your relationship. In fact, a recent study shows that money fights are the second leading cause of divorce for couples, only coming in behind … [Read more...] about Finance for Couples: Money Advice to Improve Your Relationship
Personal Finance
How to have Fun When You are on a Budget
Life is what you make it. So is it possible to still have fun in life even if you are on a budget? The answer is… definitely YES! We all have heard that money doesn’t buy happiness. And while that is true, it sure is nice to not have to worry about money … [Read more...] about How to have Fun When You are on a Budget
5 Things that You are Doing to Hurt Your Credit—and Don’t Even Know It.
Are you trying to build your credit history and increase your credit score? Achieving an excellent credit score can take some work. So if you are trying to boost your score, you want to make sure that you are doing everything possible to work toward creating a … [Read more...] about 5 Things that You are Doing to Hurt Your Credit—and Don’t Even Know It.
7 Tips for Millennials to Build Credit When Starting from Ground Zero
When you are just starting out, it can be hard to build credit. So where should you start if you don’t have anything reporting on you yet? Here are some tips for millennials to build their credit when starting from ground zero.This post is sponsored by … [Read more...] about 7 Tips for Millennials to Build Credit When Starting from Ground Zero
Do I need credit repair? Here’s how to know.
Have you been denied for a loan recently? Unless you have, you may not have any idea of what is going on with your credit. Sometimes, it is the shock of being denied for a loan that makes us really wake up and take note of what’s going on. Here are some factors that … [Read more...] about Do I need credit repair? Here’s how to know.